Google Chrome Screenshot
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Are you still using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer as your main browser? Although it comes with your computer and is the most used browser, you have choices when it comes to which browser you use. Two popular browsers out there are Mozilla’s Firefox ( and Google’s Chrome( These browsers are fast, safe, and can really make your life a lot easier while on the web.

I’ve seen a lot of my customers’ Internet Explorer browsers filled with unnecessary toolbars that just clutter the screen and cause pop-ups. There are also vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer which let hackers have a field day. On top of that, Internet Explorer has come under fire over the last few months from around the world about its security, such as the infamous attack on Google China
I personally never use Internet Explorer unless certain websites require it. I currently use Firefox 3.6 as my main browser, and Google Chrome as my secondary browser.
Google Chrome may not be as robust as Firefox, but it is FAST!. I recommend Chrome if you want a simple and easy web-browsing experience. Google Chrome also has implemented some add-ons, called extensions, which also add to your browsing experience. Firefox has tons of plug-ins and add-ons that makes your life easier on the web, such as speeding up downloads and bookmarking websites. If you want a powerful browser because you live on the internet, get Firefox.
Which browser do you use and why? Do you still use Internet Explorer? Comment below!
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